July 5, 2011

So I started a blog. Here's why...

Hello world!

I have decided that having an active Facebook profile and being involved with a group of friends just isn't enough to satisfy my vanity, so I started a blog. Actually, there are a few reasons that I wanted to start a blog. The main reason is that I really like putting random thoughts on a page, and constantly updating my Facebook status just doesn't seem to fit, and I really only use Twitter to follow people and retweet random crap, so this seems like a pretty good medium to use.
Give it another listen...

Another reason I wanted to start a blog came from an idea from a website that I don't think I could pull off or run efficiently. A while back (a few months or so ago) I was going through my iPod and finding some albums that I hadn't listened to in a while (I listen to a lot of music while at work, so old stuff seemed to be a good idea). I came across the album "Mad Season" by matchbox twenty. When it first came out in 2000, a friend of mine told me it wasn't all that good, and outside of the singles I wasn't really impressed with the album. However when I listened to it again, I found that my opinion of it had changed over the years and I really enjoyed it. That led me to think about other forms of media that could have aged better over time. I thought about gathering these 10+ year old items and "re-reviewing" them for today to see if they hold up, get better, or fizzle out. Problem is that to run a site like that takes several contributors, web space and hosting and a ton of time to put into it, and while I may revisit this someday (maybe in 10 years, ha), but for now I think I'll use the blog as my retro review site. Also, I like the phrase "mad season" because it always seems like the time you're in now is the most crazy....so you're always in a mad season.

Outside of that, I may ramble on about this or that...post some interesting song lyrics or a quote from a TV show, movie or book that I find interesting. It should always be different and have the reader guessing. I hope I can pull that off.

So let's recap. What will you find here? Random thoughts, quotes, old movie/game reviews, and hopefully something that will make you smile. And since I said I like to quote stuff, here's one from one of my favorite shows, "Scrubs:"

"...we all want to believe that what we do is very important, that people hang onto our every word, that they care what we think. The truth is you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone, anyone, feel a little better. After that it's all about the people that you let into your life."

I don't think I could have said it any better.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, friend. I told you I would read :)
